Sunday, 12 May 2013

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Definition

That was nothing like the definition of love, but yet, it made more sense than anything else that defined love. [Read: The real signs of a good relationship]

I felt sad for him, but what he said made me understand what love means. I could only imagine how miserable he felt inside his jovial and happy exterior. So was that love? I think it was, and I wondered if I felt the same way. I wondered if I felt like waking up every morning to a brand new day just because I had love in my life.

Your own unique definition of love

Love is a very subjective word, unlike any other word in the world. I think it’s something like our fingerprints. No one can understand what another person’s definition of love is, nor can anyone ever replicate another person’s love.

Perhaps love is just a word we use when we have to define a feeling that just can’t be described, a feeling that no one else can understand but you.

[Read: The real reason why you're unable to find true love]

I found myself contemplating about love, and what I felt. I heard a lot of scientific bollocks saying that love is a neural blah and some more blah… and another thousand pages of more scientific blah! But then, I really think that love is something that is more than just science, it’s a reason that makes us believe that there is something beyond our control.

Love is a religion that you really begin to believe in. Love is something that just can’t be explained in a thousand journals, but it can bring tears of joy in your eyes when you read a letter of a hundred words from your lover. Strange, isn’t it? [Read: Tips to write a romantic love letter]

Me and my love

I’ve written a few letters over these years, but I have to accept that I haven’t written many to her in the last few years. Actually, I haven’t written any to her in the last couple of years… is it because I love her less? I don’t think so.

I know I still feel warm when I look at her, and I still like staring at her, as she sits down and laughs watching reruns of ‘Friends’. I adore the way she sings while she takes a lazy shower on a sunny afternoon. I still can’t take my eyes off her as she dances while listening to her favorite tunes.

But I still haven’t written her a note saying that I love her, in the last few years. Maybe this is another strange thing about love. Maybe things are just taken for granted and we just feel like we don’t need to remind our better halves that we love them, anymore. [Read: 30 super tips to keep a guy interested in you]

The memories that define my love

I still remember our first vacation together. It was to a place a few hundred miles away from home. I was excited and so was she. We were like two little sparrows, indulging in the delight of isolation and romantic togetherness.

I was just a boy and she was just a girl. I remember how good it felt. Six magical days, I still remember the way we just sat on a lawn on the last afternoon, and played with the little flowers that grew on the ground beneath us.

I remember the days when she was away, and I missed her. I remember when I sat down by myself in a pub and emptied my pitcher of beer all by myself. I saw other couples around me, I missed her more. I guessed that was love, what else could that be? I longed for her to come back. I remember the way her voice made my heart jump, and even though she was a thousand miles away, she still touched my heart.

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Love Display Pictures Animated For Myspace with quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

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